(Nya ish lazy to tag nya)
Last beverage → Miranda Orange-chan nya~~~~
Last phone call → My Master
Last text message → Nya!
Last song you listened to → Eien No Setsuna -ON/Off
Last time you cried → Forgot nya
Dated someone twice → Never nya
Been cheated on → Nope Nya
Kissed someone & regretted it → nope nya
Fallen out of love → No nya
Laughed until you cried → Nya thinks so nya
Met someone who changed your life → Yup nya
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? → Nya does not noe nya XD
How many kids do you want to have → When the time come the nya nyaingly thinks about it nya
Do you have any pets → Many many nya
Do you want to change your name → NYA!!!!!
What time did you wake up today → 9am-chan nya
What were you doing at midnight last night → Doing nya kawaii project-chan
Name something you cannot wait for → Filming my own nyaingly nya film nya
Last time you saw your father → nyaingly nyaingly nya time ago nya
What's one thing you wish you could change → Nya can henshin to nya Kamen Rider
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → nopes nya
What's getting on your nerves right now → Peoples who get on nya's nerves
What's your real name → Nya
Elementary/Primary School →Some nyaingly nya school
Middle/Secondary School --> some nyaingly nya school
High School → some nyaingly nya school
Hair color → Black!
Long or short → Short nya
Are you a health freak → nope nya
Righty or lefty → Right-chan
First surgery → Long long nya time ago
First piercing → nvr nya
First best friend → nya?
First sport you joined →TKD
First pet → fish-chan
First vacation → forgot nya
Eating → Ai-chan
Drinking → water vapour chan
Waiting → nyaingly waiting to complete this nya
Want kids? → dunno nya
Want to get married? → If nya sudenly decides to nya
Careers in mind? → A Kamen Rider nya
Kissed a stranger → nopes nya
Drank hard liquor → Never nya
Lost glasses/contacts → Many many nya times nya
Ran away from home → Never nya
Broken someone's heart → Many many nya times nya
Been arrested → never nya
Cried when someone died → Yesh nya
Yourself → NYA ish epic, nya can do it
Miracles → Nya is impossible, so nya can make them
Love at first sight → yesh nya
Heaven → Ok lah nya
Santa Clause → Nya kawaii old jiji never nya ever nyaingly came nya
Kiss on the first date→ yesh nya
Angels → Angel-chans kawaii nya
Is there one person you want to be with right now? → No nya
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → Never nya
Do you believe in God? → sometimes nya

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~