Well, nya this time will nyaing nya some nya good nya things about nya.
Nya was nyaingly PM by a nya kawaii nya gal on CURE nya~~~
This nya kawaii nya gal cosplayer-chan nya PMed me nya~~~. She's so omnya kawaii nya~~~

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~

click here nya

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~
(Nya ish lazy to tag nya)
Last beverage → Miranda Orange-chan nya~~~~
Last phone call → My Master
Last text message → Nya!
Last song you listened to → Eien No Setsuna -ON/Off
Last time you cried → Forgot nya
Dated someone twice → Never nya
Been cheated on → Nope Nya
Kissed someone & regretted it → nope nya
Fallen out of love → No nya
Laughed until you cried → Nya thinks so nya
Met someone who changed your life → Yup nya
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? → Nya does not noe nya XD
How many kids do you want to have → When the time come the nya nyaingly thinks about it nya
Do you have any pets → Many many nya
Do you want to change your name → NYA!!!!!
What time did you wake up today → 9am-chan nya
What were you doing at midnight last night → Doing nya kawaii project-chan
Name something you cannot wait for → Filming my own nyaingly nya film nya
Last time you saw your father → nyaingly nyaingly nya time ago nya
What's one thing you wish you could change → Nya can henshin to nya Kamen Rider
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → nopes nya
What's getting on your nerves right now → Peoples who get on nya's nerves
What's your real name → Nya
Elementary/Primary School →Some nyaingly nya school
Middle/Secondary School --> some nyaingly nya school
High School → some nyaingly nya school
Hair color → Black!
Long or short → Short nya
Are you a health freak → nope nya
Righty or lefty → Right-chan
First surgery → Long long nya time ago
First piercing → nvr nya
First best friend → nya?
First sport you joined →TKD
First pet → fish-chan
First vacation → forgot nya
Eating → Ai-chan
Drinking → water vapour chan
Waiting → nyaingly waiting to complete this nya
Want kids? → dunno nya
Want to get married? → If nya sudenly decides to nya
Careers in mind? → A Kamen Rider nya
Kissed a stranger → nopes nya
Drank hard liquor → Never nya
Lost glasses/contacts → Many many nya times nya
Ran away from home → Never nya
Broken someone's heart → Many many nya times nya
Been arrested → never nya
Cried when someone died → Yesh nya
Yourself → NYA ish epic, nya can do it
Miracles → Nya is impossible, so nya can make them
Love at first sight → yesh nya
Heaven → Ok lah nya
Santa Clause → Nya kawaii old jiji never nya ever nyaingly came nya
Kiss on the first date→ yesh nya
Angels → Angel-chans kawaii nya
Is there one person you want to be with right now? → No nya
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → Never nya
Do you believe in God? → sometimes nya
Beauty MakeUp 13
Dress-Up game nya~~~
Hmm.. Wat to nya about XD.
Nya think nya shall nya about wat nya kenna from an nya anonymous Kawaii nya person blog lol nya.
below ish nyaing nya copy and nya paste by nya fom a nyaingly nya source nya~~~
Rules must be followed:
Each blogger must post this rules.
Each blogger must start with ten random facts about themselves.
Bloggers that are tagged need to write about their own blog, ten things and post this rules.
Don’t forget to leave them comments telling them they have been tagged and are to read your blog.
The nya nya questions nyaingly start nya here nya~
10 Random Facts about me.
1. Nya does alot of nyaing
2. Nya luvs Chrome
3. Nya henshins into Kamen Rider @ nya cosplay nya events nya~~~
4. Nya like nya kawaii nya gals and nya guys nya~~~
5. Nya calls Dusbin-chan 'Dusbin-chan' nya~~~
6. Nya like nya vegie nya
7. Nya likes nya kawaii traps nya~~~
8. Nya wears nya kawaii nya skirts in nya school before nya~~~
9. Nya was chased into nya ladies @ nya Suntec City nya
10. Nya has 2 nya seifukus nya
1. Who’s the person that tagged you?
A nya kawaii boy who's nya blog ish on nya's nya blog's nya links nya. Nya does not nya state names in nya posts nya
2. Relationship between you and him?
nya friends nya~~~
3. Three impressions of him?
₪ Nya Kawaii
₪ Nya Epic
₪ Smiles very nya often nya
4. If he becomes your enemy, you will?
Nya shall nya him back into nya's side.
5. What will you say to the person you like very much?
6. Characteristic i like about myself?
Nyas? And moe nyas?
7. Characteristic i hate about myself?
Nya ish not slim
8. For the person whom you hate, you say?
Baka Baka
9. What do people feel about you?
Nyaing nya?
10. Your crush?
Chrome- CHwan nya~~~
11. Pass this to 10 people:
Its ish nya' nya policy to nyaing not nya any nya names in nya posts nya. SO whichever nya soul wishes to nya do this nya survey thingy nya, please nyaing do it on nya you nya own nya free nya will. nya~~~~
12. If nya & nya were together?
13. who does nya like?
Chrome nya
14. What colour does nya like?
nya orange and nya pink
15. Say something about nya?
16. Who is nya?
An anonymous nya
17. Talk about nya.
Nya does alot of nyaing on nya's nya epic nya blog nya
18. Who is nya’s best friend?
A nya friend nya
19. Who’s the sexiest among all nyas?
20. What colour does nya like?
More nya oange and more nya pink
21. Is nya single?
Yesh nya
22. Your relationship with nya.
Nya ish nya
23. Are nya & nya best friends?
Yesh nya
24. Nya’s surname?
25. Nya’s nickname?
26. Say something to nya.
27. Say something to help nya.
28. Who do nya admire?
Mukuro-Sama, Haruhi-Sama, Tendou Souji and many nya peoples nya
29. Where does nya live?
In nya small nya Singapore nya
30. nya of them know who you like?
31. Say something to nya when you see nya.
32. nya’s spouse?
No one nya
Beauty MakeUp 13
Dress-Up game nya~~~
Nya has cosplayed nya Kamen Rider Deacade nya~~~ Based on a couple of sources, I'm the second nya Decade cosplayer nya. Might be wrong though nya XD, but definately the first few in nya big nya big world nya~~~
Beauty MakeUp 13
Dress-Up game nya~~~