Well, someone asked me this question on MSN, thought it would be quite interesting nya, so I decided to blog it nya.
One day is 24 hours, 24 hours is many many minutes, many many minutes is even more many many seconds etc.
Well that was nonsense nya. Ok back to the main dish nya. One day may not be long, but it is enough to start a rebellion. Well not that easy. Basically, I just gather all the cash in that one day, afterall I'm in charge, and flee to Japan the next day. Changes I'll make is to sack half of the peoples in charge of this kingdom and replace them with opposition parties of the government. Well, honestly, I think the oppositions are a nessesity. Though the probably get sacked when I the next day, when I am no longer in control nya.
Sometime, some outsiders are needed in the rulings. People will finally be able to voice out opinions. This time, not a one sided judging nya. We never had the rights to voice out nya. Speakers Corner, a place for 'free speech' is an Epic Phails. We have no freedom of speech cuz of the rule gorverning the 'corner'. We can't voice out true thoughts, or we'll get 'murdered'.
Well thats about it nya. Not much to post... *ahem*
ps. Contents in this post does not refer to any specific parties.

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~