Don't you realise Taxis are getting easier to flag each day?
Well. today I took Taxi back home, and had quite a nice chat with Mr.Taximan nya. Ok Mr.Taximan was quite shocked when the first thing I ask was...
"Is $20 enuff to get me from [Nya-01] to [Nya-02]?"
Being the me who is always nyaing about $$$ in many many nya ways, I did not wan to sit Taxi and not enuff to pay nya. >.<
He told me it was like $15 enuff nya.
After that was chatted for quite a bit nya. I first asked him, why just now I flag Taxi, many many taxi stopped, wind down the window, ask where I was headed... and Nya~~~~ they go...
He said because the wan to 'select' their 'victims' nya~~~
If a taxi fetches a passenger from [Nya-01] to [Nya-02], [Nya-01] is populated by Taxi flaggers and [Nya-02] is some place where Taxi Flaggers are a rarity, they dun wan to pick up the customer. Waste of Diesel cuz by moving from [Nya-01] to [Nya-02], it means to get the next customer, it would best to head back to [Nya-01] to find Taxi Flaggers.
Thus they wan to pick customers where [Nya-02] have a massive population of Taxi Flaggers or is near a place with a large population of Taxi Flaggers.
So that was the answer to the mystery of taking epic nya~~~~~ to get a taxi nya. Ok, Later we discussed about the prices of Taxis.
He said the $$$ taximan earns has dropped overtime, but customer services have nyaingly improved nya. Last time flagging a Taxi was near impossible nya, cuz all taxis kenna booked liao nya. Must call up Taxi company nya. Cuz last time go town, he say only about $7 or so from my place nya. Epic cheap nya.
SO now with increase of prices, lesser people choose Taxi nya. This now give those who urgently need Taxi a chance to flag one nya.
But he also mentioned, with the lesser pay, still can survive nya. Must be good Taximan and work. Dun be friend call go drink Kopi, you take water break from work. Or go buy 4D nya. Like that how 2 earn. Waste too much time nya. Must be hard working. Working time is working time, no drink Kopi etc. nya.
He say some even drive and go find services nya~~~
Lol nya.
But still, I find Taxi prices still misiling up epic high. So yeah, i think it also has it good sides and downside nya~~~~

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~