Ok, now I will no longer act dumb nya. Yeah, Singapore sent in a team of Tabble Tennis players nya, but they were a Team of China *ahem*. Honestly, I was already quite unhappy about the idea of buying players. These *ahem* did play well, no doubt, but for the $$$. I doubt they even love this plot of land they represent.
Seriously, why don't we have local talent nya? Yes, we got a load of them, but they were never given the chance to bloom nya. In Singapore, peoples all so concern about pieces of paper, qualifications, no one puts any heart into sports, or hardly anyone. Some of these sports need much training, but in Singapore, that is hardly impossible. Study, work, study, work, that is all we are capable of. Money drives everything, money murders passion. Those who can play the sports are all freaking caught up with studies. If they don't meet the mark, the don't get to be in the sports team nya. Given such stress and conditions, many people give up their passions, while others can't be their best.
They need the Paper qualifications to progress, yet they need the training nya. Why can't they see nya? those who want to play the sports should be given the chance nya. If all people aim for are paper qualifications, these potentials will simply be crushed to dust nya.
Even in the field of Design and Media nya. In Singapore, we freaking need to show our paper qualifications to get a job. Honestly, I find that stupid. What we do need is the portfolio nya. If you got many papers, but all this while you have been a noob who only listens to the lecture and follow the notes like its the secret to success nya, how do you think you can do better than someone who has more experience than you and can produce a better portfolio than you?
Many people in Singapore have yet to realise, sometimes these paper qualifications are crap, seriously nya. Example, I got one pal who said he completed an advanced course on Photoshop. In the end, I only realise his level of skill is very limited. He has the knowledge, no experience nya. How to survive?
Back to topic nya, about those *ahem*. Singapore say they are to be well accepted as foreign talents, however, I see it as an excuse for the guilt of killing off talents nya.....

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~