Ok, continuing.
Yesh nya, the fireworks. Hmm, Yeah, I dunno how long it went nya, but it was epic nya~~~~~ Well, after that we went walking around a bit nya, before going nya~~~~ home.
Ok, Now about what happened on Nya saturday nya~~~
Well, I was kinda like doing quite a bit of stuff back at the secondary school nya~~~ And was blogging during my nya ten minutes breaks nya~~~ Which explains nya 'brb' nya~~~ Well, nya, I'd say I was having quite a bit of a nya time nya~~~ Well nya, I have to say nya, I was basically there to more of like be at the event, didn't help up much nya~~~ Seriously nya. The event was the opening of the animation nya lab. It was relatively interesting nya~~~ Seriously nya nya nya... Well, I have to say, the number of people who nya came was more than I expected nya, and my nya job there was nya last minute change to a nya something like nya tour guide.
...Why Nya did it Nya happen nya~~~~...
Well, I have to Say I was pretty satisfied with the nya results nya~~~ Oh yeah nya, after that I kinda worked nya OT. I was a little nya caught up with nya nya Teacher' Day banner nya. For all the teacher I nya love and nya hate nya~~~~
It was quite fun nya nya seriously nya.
Well, nya, moving on nya~~~
Yesterday nya, I was at nya ATSUKI GL opening nya~~~
Well, I somehow ended up filming down the nya event for them nya. Yesh, I finally nya at this very, I mean as I post nya, moment nya, realise why my hand is aching nya. I almost forgot I filmed nya~~~
Ok, I have to sya the first band was nya *TOOT*. Save meh nya ears!!!!
Well, there was a few other crazy thing that oso nya happened. I got my nya hands on the Atsuki GL membership card nya. OMNYA!!!!
Then there was nya best dress competition nya. Couldn't realli nya remember the first two places nya, but I remember the third place was a nya guy, a someone I knew nya~~~
BRB lesson starting nya~~~

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~