Ok ok, get organized nya~~~~
Lets get back to fireworks nya~~~
Ok, while waiting for the nya fireworks, I was pretty irritated nya. Well, by the *TOOT* smokers. Seriously, they were like smoking in the middle of a crowd nya. Can't they be considerate? Are they idiots nya? Come on, we dun wan to die of lung cancer like those *TOOT* *TOOT* *TOOT*. I wan a nya smoke-free nya~~~. In case nya, you guys dunno nya, I am epic against smoking and alchohol nya. No offence, but I think they are a waste of nya time and nya money nya~~~
"I see a bird, no its a plane, no its a PIKACHU!!!!"
Ok random nya~~~
Well, aside from those *TOOT*s, we had quite a 'wonderful' time waiting nya~~~
Ok well I was playing Tekken on PSP nya~~~ Asuka kawaii nya~~~~
Nya~~~ soon we heard....
"NYA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Echo:Nya~~~~~~* NYAN!"
Ehem... nya, it was..
"TIEWWWWWWW~~~~~~~*Echo:TIEW~~~~~~~* BOOM!!!!"
NYA~~~ fireworks started nya~~~~
The fireworks were going boom boom nya~~~ Well, it as a wonderful display nya, though I have to say, it was onli an on the spot nya experience nya. Cuz there was nya too many fired @ 1 time, so nya could not capture many nya good picture nya~~~~
I dunno how nya long it went on for, but I was wonderful nya~~~ EPIC NYA~~~~
I was enjoying...wait omnya
BRB gotta work again nya~~~

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~