Lol, I see everyone here in Macs eating it. Freakin irritating I can't find a powerpoint in Macs nya. >.<
Why is Mc Spicy so Popular?
It make me wonder. In the past, I have to admit its wonderful. Probably one of the best, but not the best, burger out there. Now the standard has dropped drastically, but its ranking has not fallen. I'm starting to feel that the standard of burgers in Singapore has dived down down nya nya low nya...
Why? Why? Why?
I remember reading in my Primary Chinese textbook that Singapore is a place of good food nya.
Talking about Primary School, kinda miss my old primary School building. Well the building still 'stands' though, I dun feel like it is nya. The real thing that truely holds memories is now gone. 6 years back, we had to move to a holding school, freaking damn it was PSLE, cuz they rebuilt the entire school grounds and gave the Primary School building a new face lift.
Ok ok nya, many you guys are getting confused nya.
Ahem... nya~~~
Ok my school is one big Family. The primary school, secondary school and Junior collage, which I did not go to, are all affliated nya. Sadly nya, the Junior Collage in the past was located in a far far, but not very far nya, away land, or so it seems nya. So they decided to Bring the three schools together nya. So they rebuilt tecnically everything within our compounds nya. Now the 'new' yet old ground hold more memories for me. One thing that never really changed, for many years, were my friends. Basically most of them had followed me from Primary school all the way to secondary. It became a situation of we look left and right, we know everyone nya.
Well we only split up this year, when we went our seperate ways. I still get to meet my friends every now and then, and I even have one of them existing right in my class nya. ^^
"I am Gundam..." - Setsuna F. Seiei
Ok that was random nya. lol nya~~~~
Ok back to main topic, main topic nya.
Good food in Singapore is getting rare, and even more rare nya. Hawkers are slacking off. Many people now sell sub-standard food @ over priced prices nya, and good food are overpriced with the epicness nya.
So I dun realli noe whether Primary Textbooks back in my time are still valid this day nya. >.<
lol nya

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~