This was some questions we had nya nya answer for our current module. I of course submitted something pleasent to eyes nya. But I decided to blog the truth nya~~~
Class Exercise 1 Introduction to Digital Media Fundamentals
Description : What did you do during the lesson?
Value : What did you learn? Is it useful to you?
Reflection : Now that you have completed the exercises in the course, how does what you have learned differ from the expectations you had in the first lesson? What new ideas did it give you? How do you think the module will influence your future work?
Class Exercise 2 Introduction to raster images (Adobe Photoshop)
Description : What did you do during the exercises (Orchid/group montage)?
Value : What did you learn? Is it useful to you?
Reflection : What are some other ways you could use the techniques/ideas in the exercise? What new ideas did it give you? What new questions does it raise?
Class Exercise 3 Introduction to Vector Images (Adobe Illustrator)
Description : What did you do during the exercise (YOG Logo)?
>> BORING. DO some weirdo logo for Youth Olympic Games. I did two random stuff nya~~~~~
EPic huh? nya? random nya~~~Value : What did you learn? Is it useful to you?
Reflection : What are some other ways you could use the techniques/ideas in the exercise? What new ideas did it give you? What new questions does it raise?
>> Waste of time nya~~~~. I could have finshed it faster wif photo shop nya. Why nya? Is my lecturer nyafully crazy? Nya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Class Exercise 4 Introduction to Digital Audio
Description : What did you do during the exercise (Piano sound)?
Value : What did you learn? Is it useful to you?
Reflection : What are some other ways you could use the techniques/ideas in the exercise? What new ideas did it give you? What new questions does it raise?
Class Exercise 5 Adding Sound Effects
Description : What did you do during the exercise (robot arm)?
>> We did some adding of sound effect to a video nya~~~~~~
Seriously I feel this was a nyaing epic boring nya~~~~~~~
nya.....................................................Value : What did you learn? Is it useful to you?
Reflection : What are some other ways you could use the techniques/ideas in the exercise? What new ideas did it give you? What new questions does it raise?
>> My lecturer is watsing my nya time nya~~~~
Class Exercise 6 Working with Video Cameras
Description : What did you do during the exercise?
Value : What did you learn? Is it useful to you?
Reflection : What are some other ways you could use the techniques/ideas in the exercise? What new ideas did it give you? What new questions does it raise?
Class Exercise 7 Video Compositing (Adobe AfterEffects)
Description : What did you do during the exercise (TP2B)?
Value : What did you learn? Is it useful to you?
>>NOTHIN NOTHIN other than my lecturer is an nyaing idiot at many time nya~~~
Reflection : What are some other ways you could use the techniques/ideas in the exercise? What new ideas did it give you? What new questions does it raise?
Main Assignment Youth Spirit (Sound, Image, Movie combined)
Description : What did you do for the assignment?
Value : What did you learn? Is it useful to you? What things frustrated you in trying to complete the assignment?
Reflection : What are some other ways you could improve assignment? What new ideas did it give you? What new questions does it raise for you?
>> I could have done a better job with more time nya~~~ Seriously what I did was pathetic nya~~~ I did a better job for O-levels nya~~~~

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~