“ 3 Things You Love”
1- 3 Things You Love in your Boyfriend/ Girlfriend or Husband/ Wife
Well what i wish will be
1)Kawaiiness ( Never phails )
2)Caring nya~~~
3)As little complaints as possible nya~~~
But what i have now is
1)Nothing? Not attached nya~~~, but I got Kawaii Classmates nya~~~
2)Stubborn Classmates nya~~~
3)Epic Classmates nya~~~~
*Random for the epicness nya~~~*
2- 3 Things You Love in a Friend
3)Common interst nya~~~~
3- 3 Things You Love in a Book
1)Good story nya. Very very important nya~~~
2)Kawaii and cool Characterss nya~~~ Chrome is da Luv nya~~~~
3)Epic twists or events in the story nya~~~~ TENGEN TOPPA GURREN LAGANN!!!! NYA!!!!!
4- 3 Things You Love in a Movie
1)First good story nya. Epicly important nya~~~
2)Must have good looking Kawaii nya nya Characters nya~~~~
3)Epic scenes nya~~~
5- 3 Things You Love in a Blog
1)Kawaii Blogskin nya~~~~
2)Random but entertaining wall of epic nya texts nya~~~
3)Links to more kawaii blogs nya~~~
6- 3 Things You Love to Talk About
1)Randomness nya! Randomness for the epic nya wins nya~~~
2)Debates about believes and systems nya~~~~
3)Anime Manga J-drama anime Manga J-Drama Anime Manga J-Drama nya~~~~~
7- 3 Things You Love to do in Vacations
1)Anime/Manga shopping nya~~~~~
2)FOOD NYA~~~~ NOM NOM, no more overated McSpicy nya~~~~
3)Photos photos and nya~~~~~~
8- 3 Things You Love to Eat
1)Takoyaki nya~~~~~
2)Brinjaw, dunno my spelling correct or not nya~~~
3)Tofu nya~~~
9- 3 Things You Love to Happen in Your Life
1)Become a Kamen Rider nya~~~ I wan power power power nya~~~~~~
2)Deathnote..... I want to change this epicly corrupted world nya~~~~
3)Friends nya!!!! Moar Moar nya!!!!
Ok, I answered with a ton of Random nonsense nya. lol nya omnya>.<

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~