Saturday, June 27, 2009Y
10:31 AM
Nya is nyaing here again nya.

Nothing nya thinks nya has to nya rant, but nya would like to thanks many many nya peoples for what happened at Ang Mo Kio the other nya night nya. I really appriciate it nya. I really love you guys. Alot nya.

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~

Thursday, June 11, 2009Y
11:14 AM
lately nya has been quite emo nya~~~. But still, at the same time nya has nyaingly nya my way out of nya kawaii nya problems nya. Hmmmm nya~~~. Anyways nya, nya is lately quite nya pissed off wif some nya wtf nya person, sometimes nya thinks he's a complete nya wtf nya moron, but nya still sees nya him as nya's friend. Sometimes nya no longer know nya whether nya shud nya still nya support nya him, or shud nya just kick nya person out of nya's life. I think nya a bit too kind and nya also very nya sentimental to nya do that nya~~~.

Anyways nya~~~, nya soon will nya have nya new kawaii nya dance sessions nya, looking forward to it nya.... >.< new nya kawaii nya songs nya~~~~, well, I hope things nya will nya turn out nya goood nya. Only nya thing nya is nyaingly no nya happy about is that nya leader of group nya, a very nya person, is nyaingly nya against nya and other nya guys dancing nya SIlky Heart dance nya. But nya still wans 2 do it and nya will still nyaingly dance Silky Heart nya~~~~

Not to mention nya luvs Chrome and nya Taokaka nya....

Wans more Mukuro Sama.... nya~~~

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~

Wednesday, June 3, 2009Y
12:53 PM
Well nya is posting again nya~~~
Well, lately nya, nya has been encountering quite a few problems nya, but nya is still nya living through nya it with no nya problem nya~~~.

Well nya~~, I feel that now adays nya, nya peoples around nya seems to nyaingly like to play nya irritating nya polistics all so nya often. Sometimes nya takes sides nya too nya~~~. >.< Well, nya sometimes nya confused what is nya survival nya, what is nya running away nya.

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~

Anonymous Nya Playlist