Nya long time never nya update nya kawaii nya's blogs liao nya.
Anyways, lately nya has been nyaingly nyaing been nya busy with project-chan nya. Nvr nya keep up with many many nya anime chans nya. >.< Nya emos.
Anyways lately nya, I find that many nya peoples are becoming nya stupid because of nya stupid depression nya. Why must stupid Bakas be so stupid nya? Nya people tend to cut each other nya throat in nya times of troubles nya? Time are bad nya. Why must nya peoples of nya same omnya nyaing same nya department nya kill each other nya. Practically burning their own nya selves nya.
When time are nya bad, why must nyaingly nya Bakas go nyaingly kill each other over things that nyaingly not normally nya matter at all nya? Is it nya stress, nya revenge, nya no money, or what nya? Come on nya. You kill your own nya people, you yourself nya will lose your job nya. You peoples are working as a nya team. If one nya people dun deserve to be in nya team, nya boss will know. Its not for nya idiotic Bakas to nya decide. One day, when nya idiotic nya bakas ae revealed as nya bakas, these nya peoples will just be fired and with nya worse situations nya.

Beauty MakeUp 13 Dress-Up game nya~~~